It’s the People, Stupid. - Part 1 AI - Artificial Intelligence Triggers

It’s the People, Stupid. -  Part 1 AI - Artificial Intelligence Triggers
It’s the People, Stupid. - Part 1 AI - Artificial Intelligence Triggers

It’s the People, Stupid.

We are the people who create everything; good or bad. As of today (Jan 2025), we have 8+ billion (8,000,000,000+) population worldwide. See this Moreover, The world's population has quadrupled in the last 100 years, increasing from 2 billion to 8 billion people.

Today's 8+ billion (8,000,000,000+) people create everything we own today and in the next century.

Then, 8+ billion (8,000,000,000+) people created an estimated 350+ million companies worldwide.

Thus, 8+ billion (8,000,000,000+) people plus 350+ million companies keep figuring out what they need next.

So, what are these people's expectations?

Let's focus on just one person mostly in this Part 1 AI triggers unlike the Part 2 AI Triggers post.

Once a person is born and until they die, that person demands a ton of stuff in one lifetime. If you then convert that life into a journey, you can capture high-level Decisions/Actions much quicker. Those are the AI Triggers.

See the below Journey.

At every stage of life, each person takes a ton of actions/decisions. That person contributes those actions/decisions information in either the Internet or in company databases in all phases of life's journey, interestingly, those are the same as set of other people in this world.

Moreover, most people's emotions, thoughts, demands/expectations, interests, decisions/actions, etc are finite and the same so they are finite behaviors and patterns generated by set of people.

That person might not know what happens in the background, but technology companies have been capturing that person's actions/decisions in the last 35+ years based on the stage of each person's age.

Then, a set of people generated the same set of actions/decisions which are repetitive information over the internet. It's finite combinations in most cases. All we have to do is one person's actions/decisions information * 8+ billion people, for the total data/information, as a set of actions/decision's data/information. It's a continuous activity of capturing each person's data by tech companies.

Then, all these companies' data is exposed to one single internet as information. That means, the Internet has the most possible combinations of emotions, thoughts, demands/expectations, interests, decisions/actions, etc as bits.

If we mine total data/information continuously and build a tool to convert that data (all are in bits anyway) to capture repetitive and same actionable decisions and to prompt nthe ext actionable action/decision one by one continuously until that person completes the task/action, an interactive tool to fulfill the task/action, that is indeed AI or Artificial Intelligence Agent's technology.

AI Writer as an example :

  1. English language alphabet has 26 letters and the English language has 700,000+ words ( approximately in the dictionary based on the dictionary.
  2. Obviously, we have potential combinations of 700,000 * 700,000 words as potential combinations of two words.
  3. Keep multiplying combinations of those words until we have all the combinations of sentences.
  4. Keep multiplying combinations of those sentences until we have all the combinations of paragraphs.
  5. Keep multiplying combinations of those paragraphs until we have all the combinations of articles.
  6. 3+ billion people generated all these combinations over the internet in the last 35+ years.
  7. We are talking about the next expected billions and billions of combinations of articles that exist on the internet.
  8. Then, the AI company and its tech gathered all these combinations (letters --> words --> sentences paragraphs --> articles) from the internet and internal databases.
  9. Those expected combinations are finite combinations for the next user who has the same questions and seeking the same answers.
  10. The same AI tech mined all the data to have all the combinations generated by 3+ billion people so it knows the next sequence of expected words by the next person because it has those combinations database and it knows what he expects. Note that 1st set of people's expectations is the same as the other 2nd set of people's written expectations as words.
  11. AI tech simply takes a question from a user and looks at the most possible and best combinations in their database to give the best answer. It will generate the next article automatically from the existing combinations.
  12. That is indeed an AI Writer from AI Tech.
  13. Now, you have an AI-Writer (for example ChatGPT) as an agent that will generate articles for you. Instead of spending two days writing an article, you will rely on ChatGPT for that article and save most of your time. You will then apply creative stuff on of generated article.

AI Writer example conclusion:

3+ billion people generated all the English language combinations over the internet in the last 35+ years for the next expected user's article. AI-Writer tech gathers those billions of combinations, keeps them in the database, and generates articles for you. Next billion people don't have to create the same article or similar articles manually. It's the people who generate those possible combinations which in turn helps AI writers to generate the next article automatically without human intervention. Read Part-2, It's the people who demand those expectations, or lazy and want's better comforts.

It’s the People Actions, Stupid. - Part 2 AI Triggers
How humans trigger AI or Artificial Intelligence adoption? Humans have ton of needs and love to have ton of stuff in one life time including comfort, easiness, convenience, solving problems, having ready made solutions, fun, excel on top of others, plus ton of other stuff. You can create a dictionary
It’s the People, Stupid. - Part 3 AI Journey
Firstly, Read Part-1 and Part-2 before trying to understand AI Triggers Map/Journey Secondly, Start connecting all the dots with right the AI Journey by following the below steps. 1. Understand the current AI market state with the current AI technology (products, agents and companies) landscape. 1. Know the people

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