It’s the People's Actions, Stupid. - Part 2 AI - Artificial Intelligence Triggers

It’s the People's Actions, Stupid. -  Part 2 AI - Artificial Intelligence Triggers
It’s the People actions, Stupid. - Part 2 AI or Artificial Intelligence Triggers

How do humans trigger A.I. Artificial Intelligence adoption?

Humans have tons of needs and love to have tons of new stuff in one lifetime including comfort, easiness, convenience, solving problems, having ready-made solutions, fun, excel on top of others, plus tons of other stuff. You can create a dictionary around human needs. But here, I will focus on high-level human triggers with high-level data on how humans trigger AI adoption.

Current technology adoption by the worldwide population as of 2025:

As most of us are aware of this fact, we saw how the Internet, since it started in the 1990s (1990 to 2025 = 35 years) as a usable technology, touched and changed our lives. Currently, we have

  1. 1,000,000,000+ (a billion+) websites
  2. 7+ million mobile apps

Social media users

  1. Facebook (3+ billion users)
  2. YouTube (2.5+ billion)
  3. WhatsApp (2+ billion)
  4. Instagram (2+ billion)
  5. TikTok (1.5+ billion)
  6. Twitter (200 million plus) etc

With this history of known Internet adoption in the last 35 years, we know how billions of humans love to adopt technology quickly. We can neither change that fact nor suppress any technology adoption in the future. It will only grow based on hyperparallel innovations in technology.

Why do humans adopt technology that quickly?

As Humans, we always expect something new every second or minute based on individual brain capacity, every human has tons of needs and expectations in their lifetime. After all, we are the most powerful animals on the planet and each human has the power of the supercomputer. That super intelligence in each human demands a ton of expectations in one lifetime.

Automatically, companies such as Google, and Facebook try to meet those human demands/expectations and emotions, not the other way around initially, with one exception, companies with AI will change how we act or live as AI learns all our emotions based on what we generated in the last 35+ years and override each human's brain power and resilience.

Very important: Most people's emotions, thoughts, demands/expectations, interests, decisions/actions, etc are there in the current internet and company's databases. Most people don't know the generated data power. Now, AI tech will simply leverage the same people's generated data to create the best possible human intelligence.

AI technology is a simulation of the human brain's neurons and their connections (see below: a mature adult has around 86 billion neurons and 100 trillion connections to each other and takes 35,000 decisions in a day). While each human has that limit, AI technology (both software and hardware) doesn't have that limit and facilitates all the 8+ billion people's needs by learning all their 8+ billion people's data generation in the last 35+ years.

The bottom line is today's 8+ billion people and approximate 350+ million companies in the world have very similar and limited needs in one lifetime and generated enough similar data (in terms of data; thoughts, emotions, actions, interests, decisions, connections) in the last 35+ years as tech bits in both Internet and companies.

So, AI companies and technology will take 35+ years of generated data to simulate or automate all our daily decisions for the next 35+ years in terms of AI tools or AI agents.

For example, I liked one political party and added comments about that party whereas my friend commented about another political party. Here, technology knows political parties and all the people contribute over the internet. So, AI technology leverages that data to simulate the next behavior since that behavior is same for the most people.

Another example, we will have better comforts and will be productive with AI tools whether we want to write a document or we want to make the next doctor appointment but the same AI tools can create biased content to trigger societal division, or kids will be more addicted to technology with health consequences. That means we will see both positives and negatives with AI.

The Data supports this notion:

  1. According to research, the average person generates around 60,000 thoughts per day, with a significant portion (around 80%) being negative thoughts, meaning a person might have roughly 48,000 negative thoughts and 12,000 positive thoughts daily.
    1. 60,000 thoughts in a day = 48,000 negative thoughts + 12,000 positive thoughts in a day
    2. On other hand, every human has 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 86,400 seconds in a day
    3. 86,400 seconds in a day - 60,000 thoughts in a day = 26,400 seconds of other brain activity in a day
  2. Then, calculate human expectations in one lifetime and apply them to the world's population to estimate overall opportunity.
    1. Human expectations come under a count of 60,000 thoughts/day * 365.25 days/year * average 72 years of life expectancy world wide= 1,577,880,000 thoughts/one human lifetime (literally 1.57 billion thoughts/one human lifetime)
    2. 1.57 billion thoughts/one human lifetime * 50% discount based on various life factors when we born and at the of life = 788,940,000 potential expectations. But, take your discount percentage based on your analysis as we don't have that data yet in hand.
    3. The point here is that every human has 100s of millions of expectations in their lifetime. AI handles a certain percentage of those repetitive expectations which come under 100s of millions of expectations in one human lifetime. That is a huge opportunity --> AI adoption --> changes in every human life.
    1. From the perspective of all the people in this world, If one human has 100+ million expectations out of 788,940,000 potential expectations, then what is the market in this world? Well, we have an 8,000,000,000+ (8+ billion) population. Though we have 8+ billion people in this world, we can take practical data from Facebook which has 3+ billion users.
    2. Then, 3+ billion technology users * one human's 100+ million expectations = 3e+17 expectations (Millions of billions) market opportunity, driven by the world's population expectations. A certain percentage of that opportunity will be met via AI but I don't have that exact number in hand yet. Again, this data simply shows that we will have a huge AI adoption that impacts the world the way the Internet impacted the world.

Thus, AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is being met with those expectations and thoughts via advanced technology. After all, AI, or Artificial Intelligence, technology meets human thoughts – > expectations --> actions --> decisions, etc. In fact, Every Technology is being developed and delivered based on those metrics.

Data Summary:

  1. 8,000,000,000+ (8+ billion) population
  2. A single mature human brain has around 86 billion neurons from 100 trillion connections to each other — that's huge in one single human brain. See and
  3. 86,400 seconds in a day
  4. 60,000 thoughts in a day/person
  5. 788,940,000 potential expectations/person/one lifetime (need some updates here in the future)
  6. The average adult makes around 35,000 decisions each day. Refer to sites like this
    1. Few decisions out of 35,000 decisions every day
      1. What to eat for lunch
      2. Whether it's safe to cross the road
      3. What to wear
      4. What to say
      5. How to say it
      6. What job to take
      7. Where to live
  7. But, an average adult makes around 35,000 decisions each day though they have 86 billion neurons from 100 trillion connections to each other. Obviously, we have limitations on how we process it and make 35,000 decisions each day after generating 60,000 thoughts each day.
  8. 3+ billion technology users based on Facebook users as minimum tech users
  9. 3+ billion technology users * one human's discounted 100+ million expectations = 3e+17 expectations (Millions of billions) market opportunity
  10. There are approximately 350+ million companies in today's world
  11. An estimated 400+ billion web pages on the internet (as per some Google index references but it can be in trillions of web pages. See this where we can see that they have 250+ billion web pages from the last 18 years and adding 3 - 5 billion pages every month.
  12. Then, Those thoughts --> decisions/actions --> turn to technology actions.
  13. Then, Those technology decisions/actions by 8+ billion people in the last 35+ years in the internet and company databases are repetitive and similar.
  14. Then, AI tech simply automates repetitive and similar decisions/actions via interactive agents, apps, or other hardware systems.


Every human takes repetitive and the same decisions/actions which is the same as other sets of humans. Those are obvious candidates for A.I. Artificial Intelligence Agents.

Note-1: I encourage you to take your own data and apply it in an Excel sheet to come to certain conclusions.

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