Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms Index

List of AI & ML Algorithms as a quick reference
- Deep Learning Algorithms
- Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
- Supervised Learning Algorithms
- Unsupervised Learning Algorithms
- Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithms
Deep Learning Algorithms | Read
- Neural Networks Backpropagation algorithm | Read
- Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN) | Read
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) | Read
- Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) | Read
- Recursive Neural Network | Read
- AutoEncoders | Read
- Deep Belief Networks | Read
- Restricted Boltzmann Machines | Read
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) | Read | Read
- Transformers | Read
- Graph Neural Networks | Read
- Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Deep Learning in Computer Vision
Reinforcement Learning Algorithms | Read
- Deterministic policy gradient
- Learning automata
- Proximal policy optimization
- Q-learning
- Soft actor-critic
- State–action–reward–state–action
- Temporal difference learning
- Trust region policy Optimization
Supervised Learning Algorithms | Read
- Averaged one-dependence estimators
- Artificial neural network
- Convolutional neural network
- Extreme learning machine
- Feedforward neural network
- Logic learning machine
- Long short-term memory
- Recurrent neural network
- Self-organizing map
- Bayesian networks
- Boosting
- Case-based reasoning
- Conditional random field
- Decision tree algorithms
- C4.5 algorithm
- C5.0 algorithm
- Chi-squared automatic interaction detection
- Classification and regression tree
- Conditional decision tree
- Decision stump
- Decision tree
- ID3 algorithm
- Iterative dichotomiser 3
- Random forest
- Ensembles of classifiers
- Bootstrap aggregating
- Boosting
- Gaussian process regression
- Gene expression programming
- Group method of data handling
- Inductive logic programming
- Information fuzzy networks
- Instance-based learning
- K-nearest neighbour
- Lazy learning
- Learning vector quantization
- Linear
- Elastic-net
- Lasso
- Linear discriminant analysis
- Linear regression
- Logistic regression
- Multinomial logistic regression
- Naive bayes classifier
- Ordinary least squares
- Passive aggressive algorithms
- Perceptron
- Polynomial regression
- Ridge regression / classification
- Support vector machine
- Logistic model tree
- Minimum message length
- Analogical modelling
- Nearest neighbour algorithm
- Ordinal classification
- Probably approximately correct learning
- Quadratic classifiers
- Random forests
- Ripple down rules
- Symbolic machine learning
Unsupervised Learning Algorithms | Read
- Association rule learning
- Apriori algorithm
- Eclat algorithm
- FP-growth algorithm
- Auto-encoders
- Cluster analysis
- Conceptual clustering
- Expectation-maximization
- Fuzzy clustering
- Hierarchical clustering
- K-means clustering
- K-medians
- Mean-shift
- OPTICS algorithm
- Single-linkage clustering
- Dimensionality reduction
- Canonical correlation analysis
- Dynamic mode decomposition
- Factor analysis
- Feature extraction
- Feature selection
- Independent component analysis
- Linear discriminant analysis
- Multidimensional scaling
- Non-negative matrix factorization
- Partial least squares regression
- Principal component analysis
- Principal component regression
- Projection pursuit
- Sammon mapping
- T-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding
- Expectation-maximization algorithm
- Generative topographic map
- Information bottleneck method
- Manifold learning
- Vector quantization
Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithms | Read
- Active learning
- Co-training
- Graph-based methods
- Generative models
- Low-density separation
- Transduction
Note: There are some overlaps so I will have to refactor this list again and make any required corrections whenever I have some free time.