About expectations.ai

About expectations.ai
About expectations.ai

expectations.ai, launched by Ravi Kalidindi, covers AI tech, AI solutions, and AI landscape as AI is going to transform how we live and work. It's a place to understand and adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI).

A.I. - Artificial Intelligence, once in a lifetime transformative and revolutionary technology (for example, how the Internet changed a lot of technology and society as a whole), is the simulation of human intelligence in software or machines that are programmed to think, learn, and make decisions. and, of course, changing the market and society super fast.

Why expectations.ai name?

As Humans, we always expect something new every second or minute based on individual brain capacity. Don't we all agree that real people trigger everything (including creating AI tech and AI agents) in this world? Therefore, expectations.ai name.

Few interesting posts on AI Triggers:

It’s the People, Stupid. - Part 1 AI - Artificial Intelligence Triggers
It’s the People, Stupid. We are the people who creates everything; good or bad. As of today (Jan 2025), we have 8+ billion (8,000,000,000+) population in the world as of today. See this https://www.census.gov/popclock/. More over, The world’s population has quadrupled in
How humans trigger AI or Artificial Intelligence adoption - Part 2 Data
Humans have ton of needs and love to have ton of stuff in one life time including comfort, easiness, convenience, solving problems, having ready made solutions, fun, excel on top of others, plus ton of other stuff. You can create a dictionary around human needs. But here, I will focus
It’s the People, Stupid. - Part 3 AI Journey
Firstly, Read Part-1 and Part-2 before trying to understand AI Triggers Map/Journey Secondly, Start connecting all the dots with right the AI Journey by following the below steps. 1. Understand the current AI market state with the current AI technology (products, agents and companies) landscape. 1. Know the people

Also, check this "Building an AI English Teacher" when you are trying to build an AI software or an AI Agent.

Building an AI English Teacher
Unlike other posts such as AI Writers, AI Voice Agents, let us focus on building an AI English Teacher here. At the end of year 2024, we can say that we are still early in our AI tools adoption journey and have an excellent opportunity to build a better AI

Index pages for a quick start

AI People Index
List of AI People index It’s the People, Stupid. - Part 1 AI - Artificial Intelligence TriggersIt’s the People, Stupid. We are the people who creates everything; good or bad. As of today (Jan 2025), we have 8+ billion (8,000,000,000+) population in the world as
AI Business Index
List of AI Business index It’s the People, Stupid. - Part 1 AI - Artificial Intelligence TriggersIt’s the People, Stupid. We are the people who creates everything; good or bad. As of today (Jan 2025), we have 8+ billion (8,000,000,000+) population in the world as
AI Agents Index
List of AI Agents index AI AgentsAn AI Agent is really a software or a mobile app or a hardware system built on AI tech stacks and helps lot of real people who is doing lot of repetitive and similar tasks. It acts as a parallel companion agent for a
Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms Index
List of AI & ML Algorithms as a quick reference 1. Deep Learning Algorithms 2. Reinforcement Learning Algorithms 3. Supervised Learning Algorithms 4. Unsupervised Learning Algorithms 5. Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithms Deep Learning Algorithms | Read 1. Neural Networks Backpropagation algorithm | Read 2. Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN) | Read 3. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)