About expectations.ai

expectations.ai, launched by Ravi Kalidindi, covers AI tech, AI solutions, and AI landscape as AI is going to transform how we live and work. It's a place to understand and adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI).
A.I. - Artificial Intelligence, once in a lifetime transformative and revolutionary technology (for example, how the Internet changed a lot of technology and society as a whole), is the simulation of human intelligence in software or machines that are programmed to think, learn, and make decisions. and, of course, changing the market and society super fast.
Why expectations.ai name?
As Humans, we always expect something new every second or minute based on individual brain capacity. Don't we all agree that real people trigger everything (including creating AI tech and AI agents) in this world? Therefore, expectations.ai name.
Few interesting posts on AI Triggers:

Also, check this "Building an AI English Teacher" when you are trying to build an AI software or an AI Agent.

Index pages for a quick start